Yes, we are holding a Loudoun Empty Bowls event this year! BUT this one will be quite different. With your health and safety in mind, we are not planning for our usual 500 people with donated soups and desserts, tons of volunteers, and lots of human interaction in the bowl room. Instead, we will be holding an ONLINE and VIRTUAL Loudoun Empty Bowls event for 2020.
Called “The Fortunate Bowl,” the event this year will still offer lots of exciting, handmade bowls – as you’ve come to love and expect. This time, the lucky recipient will bring home a fortunate bowl, pre-wrapped for you. Your charitable contribution will go to our beneficiaries, and you will receive this special bowl as a gift. While you won’t choose your own bowl this year, it will definitely be an empty bowl filled with good karma. We hope you will join us for this year’s unique event when your donation is needed more than ever.
All proceeds will continue to support the organizations doing so much good in Loudoun County right now: Loudoun Abused Women’s Shelter (LAWS), Loudoun Hunger Relief, and Dulles South Food Pantry.
As we seek to make this a fun, seamless event, more information will be forthcoming. TICKETS go on sale July 1st through September 10th.
Bowl pick-up is currently planned for September 16 & 17 at Stone Tower Winery.
We will also be offering exceptional bowls for viewing and September bidding with an online auction — so stay tuned for that too.
We are mindful of the hard times that many people are enduring, we wish you well, we wish you health and strength. Art Saves Lives!